Introduction to Acupuncture
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Acupuncture Q & A
By Dr. Tong Guo, L. Ac, MD (China)
Q: What is Acupuncture?
A: Acupuncture is an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine and
its principles are:
1. These are 14 major
energy channels called meridians course through the body.
2. A subtle natural vital
energy called CHI circulates via the meridians to all parts
of the
3. Chi is the vital
force. Its balanced, unimpeded flow is critical to sound health.
4. Any misdirection,
blockage, or other derangement of the amount, flow or balance
of the Chi may result in pain,
dysfunction, and diseases.
5. Stimulating certain
points (acupoints) helps restore the normal balance and flow of
Chi so all
parts of the body can
work together in harmony. This promotes the body's
ability to heal itself and maintain its health.
Q: What conditions are treatable by acupuncture?
A: In Chinese medicine's terms, acupuncture treats an imbalance of Chi,
but in Western terms they treat hundreds of symptoms and conditions with
positive results. Among conditions with positive results. Among conditions
most frequently treated are the following addictions, allergies, anxiety,
arthritis, asthma, hypertension, carpal tunnel syndrome, constipation,
depression, detox for chemical dependency, disc problems, dizziness
(vertigo), fibromyalgia, gynecological dysfunctions, headache,
hemorrhoids, immune system deficiency, digestion, infertility, injuries
(auto, sports, work), insomnia, leg pain, cramps, tingling, and numbness,
pain, stiffness, and weakness (neck, back, shoulder, arms, tennis elbow,
wrist, hands, fingers, hip, knee, ankle, heel, feet), peripheral
neuropathies, pre menstrual syndrome, sciatica, shingles, sinusitis,
stomach ulcer, stroke, stroke residual, thyroid conditions.
Q: Is Acupuncture painful?
A: Since medical needles are big, stiff, hollow and thick, one may assume
inserting a needle would be painful. However, acupuncture needles are vert
fine, smooth and flexible. In most cases, insertion by a skilled
practioner is performed without pain. You may experience a slight
sensation of heaviness, pressure, or tingling, which occurs when the
energy is contacted and is good for the treatment. Most patients find the
treatment very relaxing and many fall asleep during treatment.
Q: Are Acupuncture needles sterile and safe? Is acupuncture safe?
A: Yes. The disposable needles are presterilized, packaged and shipped in
sterilized containers to ensure compliance with the law. Evidence clearly
shows that Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a well-trained
practitioner. In the U.S., 10 injuries have been reported since 1965. This
compares with nearly one million injuries by conventional medical
procedures and drug side effect in just one single year.
Q: How long do treatments take? How many treatments and how often?
A: Each treatment lasts and average of thirty to forty minutes. The number
and frequency are depending on patient's body condition, health problems
and response. Typically, the recommendation is two to three treatments per
week for eight to twelve treatments, although some patients respond
favorably after only one or two treatments. Chronic problems generally
require more than acute ones. Some may not improve until the sixth to
ninth visit. It's been shown that a certain percentage of patients receive
maximum benefit up to three months following a course of therapy. |